Thursday, September 11, 2008

The need for speed....

Do you ever have those days?? You know. The "cartoony" days.

Well, today I feel like Roadrunner. I'm running around the city with imaginary earplugs in my ears going from one place to another with a confident smile on my face. My adrenaline is sky high. I'm speedwalking around, through, and over people. Flying off of the cliff, straight over clouds and birds, to another piece of solid ground 25 feet away. Outrunning dynamite explosions, cayotes on rockets, and rolling boulders. Today my consistant thought is "eat my dust."

"Meep meep"

Maybe I should lay off the coffee.....



Beastarzmom said...

num num num...
num num

Lunasea said...

Sweetie, how many times do I have to tell you? Only one ADHD pill a day.