Monday, September 22, 2008

A Pirate's Life for Me

Last Friday, September 19th, was International Talk Like a Pirate Day. If you don't know about this holiday..... you should.

In an effort to bring fun into the office I created the TLAPD scavenger hunt. I hid 5 pirate items around the office (a parrot, a sword, a skull, a treasure map, and a hook). My pirate colleagues were supposed to find the items- 1 item per pirate- and hold onto them for the rest of the day. Looting and trickery was encouraged to keep the items switching hands throughout the day. At COB the Manager drew the name of the winning item out of a captain's hat and the winner got the treasure of Bootstrap Phil which consisted of some Mardi Gras beads, chocolate coins and a $50 American Express Gift Certificate.

In addition to this looting madness, everyone in the office had pirate names which were typed out and written on nametags (mine was Encephalitic Helga Scarr) and they were to salute each other with a hearty "YARR!" or "Yo-ho-ho!" or other various pirate terms whenever they spoke.

I work in an IT office, so obviously I didn't think my colleagues would go all out for this festive holiday.......


Guess I underestimated them.... YARRRRR!!!!



Beastarzmom said...

About IT folks... Oh my dear - I am STILL getting comments about TLAP and how much fun it was (FOUR YEARS AGO). I do love the thievery and trickery part. Must add that to my efforts next year.
I just love that the fruit didn't fall far from the tree.

and I mean that in the nicest way...


Bad Rum Bonnie

Lunasea said...

Oooh, great job! Love the Treasure of Bootstrap Phil.

~Ambiguous Carmen Read (what the hell kinda lame pirate name is that?)