Monday, August 25, 2008


Ladies and gents, I've made the decision and I'm taking the plunge...
I've decided to go to grad school.
That's right, I'm ready to shout it from the hills (blogs are like hills, right?), "I want to be an actor so seriously that I'm willing to dive into hundreds (gag) of thousands (sob) of dollars in debt to do it!"
Well, maybe not that dramatic, but I've decided and I'm thrilled.
Here's how it happened:
New York, for all of it's hustle, bustle, and booming population can actually be a very solitary place. For me, it began to serve as a mirror, I saw all of the things that I did and did not want to be reflected in the millions of people passing me by every day. Everyone here is, for better or worse, focused solely on themselves making it easy to spot the core of their being even just walking past. In seeing other people so focused I began to see exactly what I want and what I don't. I want to be an actor. Not part time, not just until I'm 30, and not as a filler until I figure out what I'm supposed to do with my life. This IS what I'm supposed to do with my life.
Once I figured that out, definitively, I started sorting through what the best route is to the kind of career that I'm looking for, and the answer was clear: Grad school.
Well, good thing that was so easy because the rest of the journey will be incredibly turbulent. Now I have the lovely task of figuring out where I want to go, applying, waiting to see if I get an audition, auditioning, waiting to see if I get a call back, going for a weekend of call backs, waiting to see if I get in, and then figuring out how to pay for the whole thing.
No biggie, right?

...No need to stress...right???

Well, you'll witness it all right here on this blog. I'm on the road to graduate school, so hop in the car!

( I know that last line was cheesy, but come on, I needed a tag line!)

- J


Dianna said...

Best of luck lady!

olddominionoldies said...

Yes!!! Way to go Jenny! I'm so excited for you! What is the time frame? Also - WE are coming to NYC in a couple of weeks - Mike and Lucia and Maria and me. We'd love to see you! Love ya lots!