Friday, April 11, 2008

Taking the Good with the Bad

I was getting off the subway today, rushing to get to my new temp job, the million and one things I need to do swimming about in this useless top masquerading as my brain when I was stopped dead in my tracks by one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. A blind man with a seeing eye dog was getting off a bus and just as he hit the street another dog rushed the two of them.
Now, at first I stopped because I thought the man might need help navigating away from this other dog, however, I soon realized that there was a woman holding his short leash and that the dogs weren't fighting, they had been looking for each other. The owners embraced and kissed in the middle of a busy New York sidewalk in the morning rush. ...and I couldn't stop watching.
I was struck by the abandon with which they were living. They didn't care that it was 9:02, and that every person swarming around them was late because they made the now regrettable decision to stop for coffee. They didn't care that people would be staring at them. They didn't care that the dog leashes were tangling beneath their feet. They were living and taking in that moment. Those dogs had rushed for each other, so excited to have found their counterpart just as their owners did seconds later.
There I was walking down the street, Ipod on to shut the world out, worrying myself to an ulcer about my two minute tardiness, trying to think about the many insignificant, superficial things I MUST get done today - and life smacked me in the face.
I have working eyes, ears, and limbs, the ability to speak and read, a college degree and all of the other accoutrement's of the young and privileged.
Maybe it's time to take a step back and start living a full life instead of a life that is filled with to-do's.

- J


olddominionoldies said...

everytime I post a comment, I have to sign up AGAIN and retype my password a hundred times. It is irritating!!! What is the deal? Does the "google blogger" thing only last 7 hours, or something? Anyway - I was going to say, I thought the story about the people and dogs was very heartwarming, and I still say, you should be writing for a paper, or magazine, or something! The story drew me right in, and I could see the whole thing - even the people streaming by. Excellent! Gotta go feed Mr. chips yet another supplement - so must run out to the barn and my destiny with Mr. Peabody - the attack goose. Love ya lots, Linda

jmama said...

Brought tears to my eyes, Jen. You are a good your MOMMY!! Love you!