Thursday, February 26, 2009

To Blah, Or Not To Blah

That is ALWAYS the question. As an auditioning performer there are very few times that a Casting Director will give you a straight up critique of your audition. Usually, you go in, do your thing, and they either call you back or they don't. But RARELY will they tell you why they make their decisions, leaving you in a constant state of insecurity, confusion, and curiosity.

Last October, I auditioned for a cruise line and was placed on the "Hire" list (**uproarous applause**) thinking that I would get a call in just a couple weeks to go on an 8-month contract to the Carribean, the Romance Cities in Europe, Venezuela to visit my best friend. Imagine my surprise when 3 months later I was searching through the audition notices and saw a new listing for the company that hired me and did not use me. So, I did what any normal person would do. I went to the audition to show my face and say, "hi! remember me?? What the EFF?!"

I had visions of sweeping them away with my CRAZY talent and having them call me in and say "what have we been doing?? You need to sign this contract and head to LA for rehearsals tomorrow!!" So, of course, when I went in and sang the song they asked for, they said a prompt "thank you. that's all" and my look of complete shock and the "Really?!" that came out of my mouth was unmistakable.

After getting dressed I walked back to the room to find the moniter looking frantically for me. They invited me back into the room and apologized for dismissing me. They said my reaction made them take a second look at my application (apparently people usually just walk away like human beings). And then something amazing happened. They critiqued my audition.....

The guy said they liked my personality, but when I opened my mouth to sing it was all of a sudden kind of "Blah." (very descriptive)

AHHHHH! Panic ensues! This is every performers dream and nightmare. There's no questioning why they didn't want to see me again. But the knowledge that my auditions turn "blah" the minute I start to sing?? Not good.

They had me come back for the dance call and they told me they wouldn't remove me from the hire list but this is a horrifying realization. What have I lost in the past 3 months? I need to find the "it" factor again. And FAST!




Lunasea said...

Ya want I should go rough them up? I know some people....

You are anything but blah, my dear. (Unfortunately, I'm not casting right now so I realize that's less than helpful).

Beastarzmom said...

Just remember that someone's blah is someone else's wow...
Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. Just keep swimming...

Beastarzmom said...

Last post, Feb 26. I think it's time to update yes?